- McDonald's -

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Just a Line

  • McMeals in Corporate Prisons and County Jails - Quincunx, Over the Hills and Faraway, July 13 1997 (0)
  • Complacency - Frank Barton, UK, July 11 1997 (3)
  • What the #%*! is - Bitchy Richy, SoCal, July 10 1997 (7)
  • Ronald McDonald Antidote - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, USA, July 09 1997 (0)
  • Chemicals In Burgers. - non macca's eater, D.W.M (Down With McDonald's), Australia, July 08 1997 (6)
  • What's the problem? - Oscar, July 07 1997 (1)
  • if you don't like it don't buy it... - marjorie ameen, united states, July 07 1997 (2)
  • Mcbloody story - Kip, ACU, Australia, July 07 1997 (0)
  • I worked at mcd's and we dropped meat on the floor and still served it. - cory, united states, July 07 1997 (2)
  • I Hate Mc donalds - Matt Peterson, Canada, July 06 1997 (0)
  • Brash young McD execs - Jeff Granger, U.S., July 04 1997 (4)
  • complaint, McDonald's likes to ignore these - Elena Krybus, USA, July 04 1997 (1)
  • Half hour lunch breaks - John Hunt, Traveller, Australia, July 03 1997 (0)
  • Ronald is too boring - Tova Baumgartner, USA, July 03 1997 (0)
  • McD's email address? - scdixon, usa, July 02 1997 (0)
  • Employees at Mc Donalds - Robert Medrano, usa, July 01 1997 (3)
  • Mackers - Rach, Australia, July 01 1997 (0)
  • mcdonalds & war - Lono Bono, usa, June 30 1997 (1)
  • Half a dozen in one, six in the other - Eric, June 30 1997 (0)
  • McDonalds Should Not Be Sued - GEORGE, McDonalds, Australia, June 30 1997 (6)
  • 55 ... My Eye!! - Diana, Seattle, USA, June 28 1997 (5)
  • Mcdonalds troubles no surprise - harley swain, non-carnivore support group, canada, June 27 1997 (2)
  • liability /medical bills ? - julia, mother, usa, June 27 1997 (9)
  • Keep fighting!!! - Andy, Nuremberg, Germany, June 27 1997 (0)
  • Who's Next? - Paul, Oz, June 27 1997 (1)
  • McDonalds - Ronald, McDonalds, USA, June 27 1997 (0)
  • There Comercials - Jeffery , June 27 1997 (1)
  • Some of it HAS to be true - Manderson1@hotmail.com, SunF.M 103.4, England, June 26 1997 (1)
  • McDonalds article boycott - Ed Hogan , N/A, USA, June 26 1997 (0)
  • why McDonalds sucks - uno, uk, June 26 1997 (1)
  • I like McDonalds - Mike Powers, Babson College, USA, June 26 1997 (1)
  • Stuff!! - manderson, England, June 25 1997 (0)
  • Children's safety is parent's responsibilty - Sandra, USA, June 23 1997 (5)
  • reheating old food - Vi, June 22 1997 (1)
  • new address for Mcdonalds to complain - steve, June 22 1997 (2)
  • re: who's side is McD on anyway?! - Liam Cosgrave, USA, June 21 1997 (0)
  • What the Hell - Graham Lewis, Sydney, Australia, June 09 1997 (3)
  • Playgrounds - Dee Isner, USA, June 08 1997 (5)
  • Pre employment investigation - twcha1, melbourne, australia, June 08 1997 (0)
  • I Can tell u this much.. - McCrewman....., USA, June 08 1997 (7)
  • Decline of an American Institution - N2ISHEN, Consumer, USA, June 07 1997 (2)
  • Tired of McBashing - Jeff Burgess, McDonalds, The Great USA, June 06 1997 (1)
  • Bring back the McDLT and Texas Homestyle! - Mike Bacon, Bedford, Texas, USA, June 06 1997 (2)
  • I just LOVE the taste.. - Odd Arne, -, Norway, June 05 1997 (1)
  • Campaign 55 flop - A. Friend, usa, June 05 1997 (0)
  • Love it or leave it - Joe Beranek, Arizona, U.S., June 04 1997 (9)
  • I wonder... - Thomas Gabrielsen, Norway, June 03 1997 (0)
  • Norway: doctors afraid of McDonalds - MS, Norway, June 03 1997 (1)
  • playgrounds - julia, usa, June 03 1997 (7)
  • People get sick of McDonalds - Hr Sander, none, Norway, June 02 1997 (0)
  • Death Burger - Mark Williams, DRA, England, June 02 1997 (0)
  • Fast food - Tammy and Jessica, love, USA, June 01 1997 (6)
  • McDonald's Puerto Rico - Foro Regional - Franquicias / McCopco, Puerto Rico, Cetro America y el Caribe, May 29 1997 (1)
  • McDonald's Puerto Rico - Foro Regional - Franquicias / McCopco, Puerto Rico, Centro America y el Caribe, May 29 1997 (0)
  • Calidad de Trabajo - Rdd, McDonald's Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico, May 29 1997 (0)
  • Conservation International - Paul, Oz, May 28 1997 (0)
  • muderous organisation - NOA, SxMxS, Sweden, May 27 1997 (0)
  • not the reason - Beth Dalton, May 26 1997 (0)
  • McDonalds food - T Dykema, USA, May 26 1997 (0)
  • Annual Stockholders Meeting - Dee Isner, USA, May 24 1997 (0)
  • Macca's food tastes like S _ _ T!!! - Norton, McDonalds, Australia, May 24 1997 (0)
  • McDonalds & the rest of'em - Alan Smitty, May 19 1997 (2)
  • We like the toys and playgrounds - Beth Gollie, uUSA., May 18 1997 (3)
  • get the facts - zontar77, mcdonald's restaurants of canada, canada, May 17 1997 (3)
  • Serious McIllness likely from Dublin McD's - e, ireland, May 16 1997 (7)
  • No better company - Cathy, Australia, May 16 1997 (8)
  • I feel like I work in a sweat shop - leanna, USA, May 14 1997 (1)
  • fast food, fake food - Laura Mariani, Canada, May 13 1997 (13)
  • Kissed at age 3 by a pedophile Ronald McDonald - S. Toon, USA, May 13 1997 (5)
  • Foreign Matter in McDonald's Food - Jack Baughman, Paul, Weiss, USA, May 11 1997 (0)
  • Service Workers Unions - Derrick Wright, The Dark Forrest News, USA, May 11 1997 (1)
  • false advirtisments - michelle, revolutionaryanarchistyouth, vt.usa, May 07 1997 (5)
  • To many Mcdonalds. - Amado (swing manager), McDonald's , USA, May 07 1997 (1)
  • Fuck McDonalds - bjorn, nl, May 06 1997 (5)
  • That's very comforting! - Mike Bacon, Bedford, Texas, USA, May 06 1997 (1)
  • Managers - Karen, McDonaald's, America, May 05 1997 (3)
  • Poor service/high prices - Sue Moore, none, USA, May 05 1997 (0)
  • COAST GUARD'S BIRTHDAY - Morale Officer, Coast Guard, USA, May 05 1997 (2)
  • Varying quality of food - Mike Bacon, Bedford, Texas, USA, May 05 1997 (9)
  • Don't eat in this McDonald's (PA) - Curtis McCormick, USA, May 04 1997 (3)
  • McDonalds Australia Sucks - Richard Clack, Australia, May 03 1997 (6)
  • Another thought. - Gordon Sumner, Canada, May 03 1997 (10)
  • Survey -- please help! - Olivia Leland, Student, Harvard University, USA, May 03 1997 (0)
  • ┐┐ANYONE FROM ONTARIO, CANADA ?? - Dave Watson, Ontario, Canada, May 02 1997 (2)
  • You guys are crazy! - Gordon Sumner, Canada, May 02 1997 (3)
  • I work at McDoNalD's - Matthew Chiras, Usa, May 02 1997 (0)
  • false advertisments - mike, USA, May 01 1997 (1)
  • Major Advertising Waste - Craig Russell, High Impact Productions (Advertising Consultant), USA, April 28 1997 (7)
  • To McDonald's - poly contu, usa, April 26 1997 (2)
  • Why I don't go to McD's - J Addison, US, April 26 1997 (0)
  • Macca,s - mike hart, australia, April 25 1997 (0)
  • Beanie Babies - Stacey Dencar, USA, April 25 1997 (0)
  • Information Wanted - Nina Andersson, Student, UK, April 24 1997 (0)
  • mcd's on the moon? please no... - ben, uk, April 24 1997 (1)
  • McDonald's marketing to children - Samantha Davison, United States, April 24 1997 (7)
  • McHuh? - Ryan Butterfoss, University of Virginia, USA, April 23 1997 (0)
  • service - Sammy, Indep., Mo., USA, April 23 1997 (3)
  • McHuh? - Ryan Butterfoss, University of Virginia, USA, April 23 1997 (8)
  • Money (Ronald McDonald House) - Anonymous, None, U.S.A, April 20 1997 (11)
  • happy meal fries - curious customer, usa, April 20 1997 (2)
  • If it's so bad, why do you go there? - Joe, Canada, April 13 1997 (2)
  • in it up to the eyeballs... - helen darville, university of queensland, australia, April 13 1997 (3)
  • The Truth About This Website - Adam Smith, USA, April 13 1997 (7)
  • What should we do? - Chris Rodgers, Nottingham UK, April 08 1997 (20)
  • Straight from the Horse's Mouth - D.R.Hector, USA, April 07 1997 (1)
  • oh, my bowells! - jon doe, health conscous individual, USA, April 07 1997 (2)
  • 'Handing out the blame' - Hugh, USA, April 07 1997 (5)
  • Nuked Burgers - Bob Burroway, April 06 1997 (8)
  • Missing a crucial point - Gary Wilkens, USA, April 06 1997 (4)
  • Complaint of inefficiency: staff & management - Sandra Kearns, USA, April 06 1997 (6)
  • Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong - anon, Australia, April 06 1997 (2)
  • Strange previous Disney, MacDonalds Connection - Chris Rodgers, Nottingham UK, April 01 1997 (0)
  • money to liars - bUrN tHe LiAr, sXe, usa, April 01 1997 (3)
  • Tell who ???? not to deal with McDonalds. - Rod Hauser, canada, March 30 1997 (3)
  • COMMIES - Paul Luedke, Holland, March 29 1997 (4)
  • Tell Hasbro not to deal with McDonalds - Julian Watts, Seattle, USA, March 29 1997 (0)
  • Happymeals - Tom Chung, Japan, March 27 1997 (1)
  • That's No Way to Raise a Child - Steve Foley, U.S.A., March 25 1997 (2)
  • I can't decide - Sue, Uxbridge, Canada, March 21 1997 (7)
  • pejorative pedagogy? - Matt, USA, March 19 1997 (7)
  • is mcdonald's addictive? - tanja, usa, March 17 1997 (2)
  • a real ugly experience - Bill Fisher, Irvine, USA, March 16 1997 (3)
  • McDonald's - Liz, lhp, north america, March 15 1997 (0)
  • DESCONTENTA - Maria, ninguna, Spain, March 13 1997 (3)
  • McDonalds Cultural Bodysnatching - greg, uk, March 12 1997 (0)
  • About McRibs: Why do they sell them, then take them off! - Glenn Roberts, U.S.A., March 12 1997 (2)
  • MICCEY D'S - BIRDIE, MACCAS, EGYPT, March 07 1997 (2)
  • McMurder - XXXZackXXX, SWEDEN, March 05 1997 (2)
  • re: McDonald's price slump - Bobby Jenkins, n/a, Wales, March 02 1997 (4)
  • Big Mac at heart of - Dennis, USA, February 28 1997 (0)
  • McDonalds made me a vegetarian - Steve Foley, U.S.A., February 28 1997 (9)
  • Mailing Address for President of McDonalds - Suzanne Williams, USA, February 27 1997 (0)
  • THE HANDWRITING IS ON THE WALL - Mark, USA, February 27 1997 (4)
  • McDonalds - love it or loathe it? - Debbie, Australia, February 25 1997 (5)
  • Mc Donalds managers - Insensitive+ill trained - Lynd, UK, February 25 1997 (2)
  • Chicken Mcnuggets or Chicken jawbreakers - Irving Kahn, usa, February 24 1997 (2)
  • Follow the Bloody Trail of the McDollar Pt. 2 - ian -n- adam , nationalism will be the death of us yet, February 23 1997 (8)
  • Follow the Bloody Trail of the McDollar - ian -n- adam, countries are obsolete, February 23 1997 (2)
  • McDo don't like students - Bozo le Con, Canada, February 23 1997 (3)
  • Kroc antichrist? - Steve, VT, USA, February 20 1997 (2)
  • What Ray Kroc and Harry Sonnenborn did. - Ed, February 20 1997 (15)
  • My sister worked at Mcdonalds. - Jon Schwartz, U.S., February 20 1997 (1)
  • Why Don't They Serve Better Food??? - Mark, USA, February 18 1997 (1)
  • Mcspotlight - anon, new zealand, February 11 1997 (21)
  • MCDONALDS HAS BAD FOOD IT CAUSES EARLY DEATH. - Jessica schwartz`, USA, February 09 1997 (3)
  • anything - dave finn, england, February 08 1997 (0)
  • Breast feeding mother efected from McDonald's - Sue, USA, February 08 1997 (4)
  • Why just McDonalds? part II - Kristy Wright, USA, February 07 1997 (14)
  • me.... as the defendant (how McDs cost me $700) - neil butler, new zealand, February 07 1997 (1)
  • What is the point?? - Mark, US, February 06 1997 (0)
  • More food for thought - julian watts, Seattle, USA, February 06 1997 (1)
  • Food for thought - julian watts, Seattle, USA, February 06 1997 (3)
  • what is good ? - tomas lerno, Belgium, February 05 1997 (2)
  • Why just McDonalds? - Kristy Wright, USA, February 04 1997 (2)
  • I barfed up my Quarter Pounder - B. Meyer, U.S.A., February 02 1997 (5)
  • The service - Peter, Mcd Employee, Canada, February 02 1997 (3)
  • MCDONALDS RULES - Katie Hall, Canada, January 31 1997 (26)
  • kosher burgers - saima ghori, uk, January 30 1997 (10)
  • what do u want from macdonald? - alex kc eng, usa, January 30 1997 (1)
  • the nuts at the ordering sign - sam bailey, USA, January 29 1997 (1)
  • THEY USE THE SAME MOP TO CLEAN THE RESTROOMS - Mark Barr, U.S.A., January 29 1997 (5)
  • Mcdonalds is why we are passive! - Andrea Strnad, us, January 29 1997 (2)
  • Is McDonalds Destroying with plastics - Nate Taylor, USA, January 28 1997 (1)
  • What are you people like? - Bill, Hong Kong, January 26 1997 (8)
  • McDonalds in Jerusalem - Wayne Myers, UK, January 26 1997 (1)
  • Mommas don't let your babies grow up to work at Mcdonalds - Pam Montgomery, January 25 1997 (1)
  • SEDUCTION - P HEWITT, UK, January 24 1997 (8)
  • Why don't they serve healthier food???????? - Mark Barreres, US, January 24 1997 (3)
  • Food - Paul, Oz, January 24 1997 (2)
  • Re: Not the most nutritious food, but... - Gilda, Panama, January 24 1997 (1)
  • Mcdonalds Beef - Mike, USA, January 23 1997 (0)
  • McDonalds - marge, USA, January 23 1997 (7)
  • McDonalds Sponsorship of Adelaide Zoo - Edi Winkler, University of South Australia, Australia, January 23 1997 (2)
  • horrible performance and nasty restaurants - s.reed, none, u.s.a., January 23 1997 (3)
  • oath - lenike, denmark, January 22 1997 (4)
  • McDonalds should be banned - The Guru, U.K, January 22 1997 (9)
  • TYPICAL! - Carinavip.cybercity.dk, Denmark, January 22 1997 (8)
  • Carly's defense of Mickey D's - Joseph Bodirsky, McDonald's , USA, January 22 1997 (21)
  • Antigua Guatemala Coffee - Luz Maria Saavedra, Exito, S. A., Guatemala, January 21 1997 (1)
  • what I think - Tj Donahue, St Cloud state university, USA, January 21 1997 (3)
  • Mc donalds sux - The Thrasher, Australia, January 21 1997 (4)
  • debatten om McDonald┤s hamburgare (in Swedish) - Mikael Kjeller, Kjeller&Co , Sweden, January 21 1997 (5)
  • fillet o'fish - Britt Uecker, USA, January 21 1997 (4)
  • mcdonalds and its cut cost methods - simon, australia, January 21 1997 (3)
  • McDonalds Burgers - Bruce, Australia, January 19 1997 (4)
  • McD's and the Trees - Forrest Wilder, High School Student, USA, January 17 1997 (3)
  • Bigger fries for Kids Meal - Isaac Spetgang, USA, January 14 1997 (6)
  • packaging - andrew linden, student of eco design, england london, January 14 1997 (0)
  • Meet our needs - Amer Khan, Canada, January 14 1997 (3)
  • You are all whingers!!! - Chris, Australia, January 12 1997 (8)
  • The new grilled chicken sandwich - OliveOil101, United States, January 12 1997 (14)
  • Service Complain - Carlos M. Yep, Republic of Panama, January 10 1997 (0)
  • mc donalds - vicki, mcdonalds employee, U.K, January 08 1997 (5)
  • mccrap/mcdestruction/mcdeath/mcdomination........ - ben, canada, January 07 1997 (1)
  • McDonalds always messing up orders - George McCallum, Canada, January 04 1997 (4)
  • i want my old chicken sandwich...darn'it - jami eager, USA, January 03 1997 (1)
  • INFO NEEDED - Ross Marshall, USA, January 03 1997 (5)
  • And Another One Bites the Dust! - Ben Meyer, USA, January 02 1997 (5)
  • And Another One Bites the Dust! - Ben Meyer, USA, January 02 1997 (2)
  • removing fat (not taste) from hamburgers - Dr. Frank W. Abernathy, Abernathy Enterprises, USA, January 01 1997 (1)
  • The bad food of McDonalds - Carla Bolgeri condemarφn, Chile, January 01 1997 (1)
  • fat and cholesterol in McDonalds Burgers - Al Moe, USA, December 29 1996 (2)
  • food - david rahman, canada, December 29 1996 (3)
  • 1/4 pound (Burger) - Robert Morin, Montreal Security, Canada, December 29 1996 (1)
  • Customers: Don't Ya Love Them - Ryan B,, McD Employee, USA, December 29 1996 (10)
  • Who's in charge of www.mcdonalds.com? - Chris Maj, USA, December 29 1996 (0)
  • Commercial on TV - Roger Forgues, Canada, December 29 1996 (2)
  • Do they really care about kids? - John, Cardiff UK, December 28 1996 (1)
  • Christmas - Paul, Oz, December 24 1996 (0)
  • kids - james battle, usa, December 21 1996 (0)
  • Going down hill - Jim Goff, U.S. of A., December 20 1996 (0)
  • Freedom of Choice - Pam, USA, December 19 1996 (3)
  • Capitalist greed - psimira, atmospherix, UK, December 19 1996 (9)
  • Mc Donalds Disney - John, Sweden, December 18 1996 (2)
  • McDonald's and world peace NOT!! - Caroline Vanneste, Canada, December 17 1996 (1)
  • McDonalds is really great ! - Marian Trebin, University of Regensburg, Germany, December 17 1996 (2)
  • McDonald's training - Norman Verrill, USA, December 17 1996 (10)
  • Help, New McDonalds needs feedback NOW! - David Powell, USA, December 17 1996 (3)
  • bagels & mc donalds - mia jacobson, sweden, December 14 1996 (8)
  • ecology - Dr Voce, UK, December 14 1996 (0)
  • McDonald's and the rest of the world - Desouche, France, December 14 1996 (1)
  • Your observations - Josh Newcom, Atlanta Journal and Constitution, USA, December 12 1996 (2)
  • ALL - Magoon, December 11 1996 (0)
  • rights - Worley, United States, December 11 1996 (6)
  • to gideon - Margarett Worley, U.S.A., December 11 1996 (4)
  • response - Margarett Worley, U.S.A., December 11 1996 (2)
  • response - margarett worley, U.S.A, December 11 1996 (1)
  • McGlut in Small Town - Floyd, Lefty Lizzerd Construction, usa, December 11 1996 (9)
  • kids - bmille2245, usa, December 11 1996 (6)
  • McLitigants Unsuccessful - Simon Smith, UK, December 11 1996 (0)
  • Cynical bastards - Roger Fance, Australia, December 09 1996 (2)
  • Not the most nutritious food, but... - Mc Happy, U.S.A., December 09 1996 (11)
  • Anti-consumerism - Ashley Lavelle, Australia, December 09 1996 (5)
  • the happy meal - Tall Paul, USA, December 06 1996 (5)
  • Chicken McKilljoy - Mike, UK, December 05 1996 (3)
  • McCrapp - Daniel, Oz, December 05 1996 (1)
  • CHRISTMAS CARROT CAMPAIGN - Carrot, TCF, December 04 1996 (1)
  • Hey McDonald's - A burger eater, UK, December 03 1996 (7)
  • obesity - n, usa, December 02 1996 (0)
  • If you don't like it.... - Don, USA, December 02 1996 (4)
  • Food Quality. - Dan Volper, November 30 1996 (1)
  • there goes the neighbourhood - Libbie Morin, Canada, November 29 1996 (0)
  • Promoting abuse - r+s, November 28 1996 (1)
  • Freedom of choice - Bobby Gee, UK, November 27 1996 (3)
  • McSatan? - The Judge, The Judge, USA, November 27 1996 (1)
  • McDonalds Outlets Closing in Northern VA - Ben Meyer, USA, November 27 1996 (0)
  • McBoring - Paul, Austalia, November 27 1996 (3)
  • Why McDonald's gets bashed - The Judge, The Judge, USA, November 27 1996 (2)
  • Oh Carrot - The Real Carrot, Spain, November 26 1996 (0)
  • what is wrong with McDonald┤s - stefan lundmark, sweden, November 25 1996 (2)
  • McDonald┤s dirty hands - Stefan Lundmark, Sweden, November 25 1996 (1)
  • McDonalds food sucks - Mike Desmond, usa, November 24 1996 (46)
  • bad service - Elizabeth, USA, November 24 1996 (3)
  • McBean Burger - Mike Foster, UK, November 24 1996 (7)
  • Wages - Tony , Mcdonalds, UK, November 22 1996 (1)
  • Nulentropy - Daniel, Australia, November 21 1996 (2)
  • McDonald'ssism in Finland - Joonas Linkola, Finland, November 21 1996 (3)
  • meat - wentwort hampton, food check, canada, November 20 1996 (2)
  • The McCarrot scandal - will, england, November 20 1996 (6)
  • I LOVE McDONALDS - Dan, U.K., November 20 1996 (3)
  • MCdonalds is fine!!! - Rebecca and Mark Stokes, usa, November 19 1996 (2)
  • The Deluxe Line - Cal Long, USA, November 19 1996 (4)
  • RONALD MCDONALD AND MC PEDOFILIA - mc'claire , Australia, November 17 1996 (1)
  • McDonalds Cover up things - meridith , usa, November 15 1996 (11)
  • SO WHAT! - BIG MAC, USA, November 15 1996 (10)
  • PLEASE READ THIS EVERYONE! - Carrot, TCF, November 14 1996 (4)
  • er..burgers - stanley donwood, europe, November 13 1996 (1)
  • Mr. Peterson enjoying McDs - Paul turner, USA, November 12 1996 (0)
  • MacCarrot Day. - Carrot, T.C.F., November 11 1996 (0)
  • WHO IS THIS CARROT FELLOW? - ADE, ENGLAND, NOTTS, November 11 1996 (3)
  • The MacCarrot - Carrot, T.C.F. (The Carrot Foundation), November 11 1996 (4)
  • MacDonalds invading Haarlem - Steve Mabey, Netherlands, November 11 1996 (1)
  • Those lovely tasty hamburgers - Dope Dog, Canada, November 10 1996 (0)
  • Those lovely tasty hamburgers - Dope Dog, Canada, November 10 1996 (2)
  • The Multinational MegaCorporation - Anon, November 09 1996 (2)
  • The Multinational MegaCorporation - Anonymous, November 09 1996 (2)
  • McDonald's food sux - Avenging Angel, None, Canaduh, November 09 1996 (3)
  • What a thought - Ian Hamley, UK, West Midlands, November 08 1996 (1)
  • Why to bitch about multinationalism - Richard, South Afrca, November 08 1996 (5)
  • McTaste - Michael Taylor, Australia, November 06 1996 (5)
  • I think its a good job - Ben, Australia, November 06 1996 (4)
  • McDonald's - Ric Fndere, McDonald's, November 03 1996 (2)
  • How Ronald got us arrested - Richard, John, Justin, Tim, South Africa, November 03 1996 (14)
  • Canadian advertising during the 96 Olympics - Doris Lauzier, Canada, November 03 1996 (1)
  • about how we make the burgers - Ron Rescheck, McDonalds, Ausi, November 03 1996 (1)
  • mc donalds as a represnetation of weber's rationalization - david wilkinson, wichita state university, sociology dept, USA, November 03 1996 (2)
  • Animals, McDonalds, Misguided non-animal product eaters - Ian Schlueter, Earth, Milkyway, November 01 1996 (8)
  • HOW I GOT McSICK - McRUSSIAN ROULET - Michael Ortiz, Self, USA, November 01 1996 (2)
  • The way to annoy them. - The mad dietition, Univ. Of Leeds, U.k, October 29 1996 (4)
  • why are you all so mad for? - Johnny Peterson, Hartford Elementary, usa, October 25 1996 (6)
  • YOUNG WORKERS - jc, USA, October 25 1996 (5)
  • McMcMc - Ronald McDonald, McDonalds, In most countries, October 25 1996 (0)
  • McDonalds prey on the young for work - Ady Dolan, Newcastle, England, October 24 1996 (2)
  • Religion and McD - MJ, USA, October 24 1996 (2)
  • Blame someone else. - Michael Smith, Pro-McDonalds, USA, October 24 1996 (4)
  • People in SINGAPORE are ingnorant! - Kane Cunico, -, Singapore, October 23 1996 (0)
  • untouchable - Mark, Canada, October 23 1996 (0)
  • mcdonalds should be sued for killing people - Akasha Freehill, Australia, October 23 1996 (5)
  • Copyright - A, U.K, October 23 1996 (1)
  • People in SINGAPORE aren't aware yet - Kane Cunico, -, Singapore, October 23 1996 (0)
  • I don't get it.... - Richard Hopkins, Cardiff University, Wales - UK, October 21 1996 (2)
  • McDonald's testing potato starch-limestone packaging - Penny Sympson, USA, October 21 1996 (0)
  • Problem with your Marketing Strategies - Use of Clown and Peacock - Teresa Laura Claro, self, United States, October 13 1996 (1)
  • Bagels are healthier than Mc Donalds - Ben Meyer, Chesapeake Bagel Bakery, USA, October 13 1996 (4)
  • McDonalds - The E-man, College Student, USA, October 13 1996 (0)
  • CHARGING TAX ON TAKE OUT ORDERS! - Chris, USA, October 13 1996 (1)
  • Big Muck - Richard, USA, October 13 1996 (1)
  • Big Muck - Richard, USA, October 13 1996 (0)
  • If Ray Kroc were alive today - Edgar T. Numrich, U. S. A., October 09 1996 (2)
  • Quistion - Carl Mosby, U.S., October 07 1996 (2)
  • Deluxe chicken sandwich - Jeff McDougal, October 06 1996 (4)
  • Beyond the Arches - Ed, UK, October 05 1996 (4)
  • manager complaint - Tim Wilk, USA, October 03 1996 (1)
  • What do you McDonalds Customers Want? (In Service) - McD Employee!!, McD, USA, October 02 1996 (2)
  • McDonald's food - solo , vegatarian, U.S.A., September 25 1996 (3)
  • McDonald's food - solo , vegatarian, U.S.A., September 24 1996 (3)
  • Gripes - Kevin Lowe, U.S., September 20 1996 (0)
  • McTory corruption again! - Nigel Day, SWP, UK, September 18 1996 (1)
  • Burger Bug Deaths - Claudia Reveal, UK, September 18 1996 (1)
  • MCDONALDS - JIM JULIUS, September 18 1996 (1)
  • Union vs. McD Finland starts.... - Markus Nieminen, Finland, September 18 1996 (1)
  • Re: Sponsorship & McDonalds - Peter Warner, England, September 16 1996 (4)
  • management~ owners treatment - chad burger, student, australia, September 16 1996 (0)
  • Sponsorship & McDonald's - Peter Warner, England, September 16 1996 (1)
  • Complain letter - Michelle Tam, Canada, September 16 1996 (5)
  • -----> The barf burger pledge <----- - Paul-Jan Kolk, Holland, September 02 1996 (0)
  • minimum wage - David Theisen, USA, September 01 1996 (16)
  • Anti-McDonald's stickers etc. - Joonas Linkola, Finland, August 26 1996 (1)
  • Bumper Stickers in DC - Ben Meyer, USA, August 25 1996 (3)
  • Minimum Wage Increase - John Doe, McDonald's, USA, August 22 1996 (0)
  • McDonalds sounds - Anouk, Sydney Uni Electronic Sound Studio, Australia, August 22 1996 (6)
  • American Bashing - Michael Burke, USA, August 21 1996 (0)
  • Best laugh I've had all day - Maxwell Hauser, Citizen of the World, August 21 1996 (2)
  • This is the best laugh I've had - Maxwell Hauser, Citizen of the World, August 21 1996 (3)
  • McCopyright question - Hugh Ashton, Japan, August 21 1996 (0)
  • Monosodium Glutamate Information - Ron Holland, No MSG - Maryland Chapter, USA, August 15 1996 (1)
  • Using McDonald's without spending a penny - Christopher Verdant, Overcoming Consumerism, US, August 12 1996 (2)
  • Feed-back to McDonald's website - Dirk, August 10 1996 (1)
  • McDonald's and abortions - JB, August 10 1996 (3)
  • 'McDonalds' opens in Jamaica, despite injunction - SS, August 10 1996 (0)
  • McDonalds supports employment in local communities - Ed Creely, Australia, August 10 1996 (5)
  • US Taxpayers Subsidize McDonalds - Ben Meyer, USA, August 10 1996 (1)
  • McDonalds buys Roy Rogers - Ben Meyer, USA, August 10 1996 (5)
  • Are they that bad everybody??? - Greg, Australia, August 09 1996 (5)
  • Oh my God - They're in it to make a profit! - Bob LaMontagne, USA, August 06, 1996 (7)
  • Problem - Simon Large, England, August 05, 1996 (0)
  • Evil - Justin Newbury, CSU, Australia, August 01, 1996 (0)
  • Food handling at McDonalds - a Case - Tom Bergquist, Sweden, July 26, 1996 (4)
  • Abusing of Children - Shameka K. Johnson, United States, July 18, 1996 (10)
  • Who knows a real live address for a complaint? - Gary Seifert, usa, July 15, 1996 (3)
  • Waste at McD's - Dora, USA, July 14, 1996 (0)
  • McD's to be installed in historic campus - John, Iowa State University, USA, July 14, 1996 (4)