- McDonald's -

Open letter to McDonald's - Re: Valuable Families decision

Posted by: Rabbi Richard C. Jernigan ( Beth David, US ) on July 14, 1997 at 23:34:38:

I hope that you realize that your corporate decision on this issue will become a point of contention with people and organizations that are gay and gay sympathic as well as the medical and the spiriutal community. I can tell you that I have personally sent a copy of the press release that I received to all the gay and lesbian publications as well as all of the new line services tht I could contact. If you feel that you are unable to have AIDS children and the gay community in the McDonald houses we hgave only one conclusion to draw.
That being that you do not or wish to have us not do bussiness with your company. You may rest assured that I will not buy or have anyone that I know to buy any of your product. I also want you to know that I am going to make it my personal obligation to expose the intolerance that you have displaayed to every organigation that I have contact. I do nor think that I can stop you from doing bussiness but you can rest assured tonight aht I will take as much bussiness away fro you as I can and will encourage all of my associates and friends to do the same. I live in Hope Mills North Carolina and your rest is one of the larger in the town that I reside but I know of at least 17 people tht now no longer shop at your store due to my comments. Maybe that will increase with time and more and more will not frequent your store. You have some nerve acting in this manner and I will do waht I can to spread the word. The states gay news papers are in possession of the news release and I nave sent it to Associated Press and will forward it to other news groups and agencies to expose you and make you loose as much bussiness as I can Little by litte it will come to pass that you will indeed pay for the hurt and the harm you have caused. I will continue to dal all in my power to pass the word on.
Rabbi Jernigan

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