- McDonald's -

it's the suffering that counts

Posted by: Robin Green ( Lancaster University, UK ) on November 03, 1997 at 11:28:06:

In Reply to: Meat is murder posted by Tekla Lindblom on October 31, 1997 at 10:17:03:

: I DON*T EAT MEAT BACAUSE I DON*T LIKE TO EAT DEAD ANIMALS...... I can't belive people who does it!!

The point for me is not that they are dead, or even that they were intentionally killed, but that they were kept in appalling conditions and may have suffered appalling pain. Copious evidence of this is available, for example at the Vegetarian Society. If it could be proved to me that no animals ever suffered due to being bred for meat, I *might* start eating meat again - but I'd have to be very, very sure.

Robin Green, 1st-year undergrad @ Lancaster University, UK
Likes: computers, teaching (!!), politics/activism, serious
talk, new ideas, colourful people! >>>>> Nickname: bluejet
Please visit http://www.lancs.ac.uk/ug/greenrd/home.htm

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