- McDonald's -

Only "smart" humans assume we're the only things on Earth with feelings

Posted by: Miranda ( Domino's, Canada ) on September 23, 1997 at 10:11:18:

In Reply to: The exploiting world of McDonalds- Conspiricy Theory posted by Tanya the Vegan on September 19, 1997 at 14:55:24:

Now, after a bit you're just insulting anyone who just want's to enjoy the idea of eating something that's not even remotely healthy for you. Don't tell me you've NEVER, NOT ONCE, been tempted by something in the candy isle. I have. Meat doesn't tempt me, but corn nuts do! MMMMMM.

A lot of people who start off these chains may be vegetarians, but maybe it's what they believe. They're smart and realize there just isn't the market for pure vegans or veggie eaters, there's not enough of us. I do have quite a few vegetarian friends, but most of my friends eat meat. Same with my family, I'm the only true vegetarian.

On the cruelty to animals we are on complete agreement. I can't stand how they're beong treated. It makes me sick to think of it. I often wonder what those people would do if we traded him for one of those cows. Jsut because we can't understand what the cow is saying, doesn't mean she doesn't feel pain. That is a completely ignorant viewpoint. And egotistical. Only someone as "smart" as a human would assume that we're the only things on Earth with feelings.

One of my friends does love meat and she does the slaughtering on her farm. Chickens, cows, turkeys. She loves the meat. It's all in how you're brought up, I guess. Sort-of, since my family all loves their stakes and I can live without them, easily.

the human race exploits the Earth, not just McD's. It's like we believe it's our God-given right to do with it as we please. I don't remember any passage in the bible that says, "Thou shalt kill for sport," or "Thou shalt use animals to experiment," or "Thou are the only feeling creatures on the planet," or whatever. God gave us everything, he can take it away too. I think we have to remember that, and fast.

Now, before I go on to write an entire novella, I'll sign off. I don't mean to insult anyone in this note, so please forgive any inconsiderate thing I may have unwittingly said. My thanks, and God bless.

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