- McDonald's -

That depends on YOU!

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( TIG, Bedford, TX, USA ) on November 27, 1997 at 19:51:23:

In Reply to: Burger Factory Work posted by Ken Walker on November 27, 1997 at 10:45:44:

Am I capable of deciding what I want to order so I don't hold up the line? Yes I am. The rare time I need a little longer, I let other customers go ahead of me and I stand out of the way while I browse the menu over the kitchen. Then, I get in line behind the last person.

Do I throw away my trash and put my tray in it's station when I'm finished? Yes I do...except when I receive piss poor service and quality of food. Then I will leave my shit for the staff to handle. But that's when pretty much the entire staff shows it doesn't give a shit. As Malcom X said "If you don't love me, I don't love you!" Applied to the staff: If you don't give a shit, I don't give a shit! Do unto others...

As far as my conduct goes, if I am handled professionally and cheerfully at Ronald's counter...AND receive quality food, then rest assured you won't have a problem. But...if I come in and find myself waiting between 20 and 30 minutes just to get to the register to place my order [because the staff is horseplaying...taking mock swings below the belt...towel popping...bullshitting with high school buddies who didn't come to order food, etc...], I ain't gonna be a happy camper! And if I get a stale cold burger, my dander is gonna go up more!

I've been around and witnessed the best and worst traits. I can't pass judgment on you, but lately I've kinda been wondering...is it the McDonald's employees who have exhibited those aforementioned worst traits that have been posting most of these bitchy messages about Ronald and his clientelle?

Much love!

Mike, of The Interlude Generation. We're sick of Jewel and Alannis!

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