- McDonald's -


Posted by: Darrin ( Kingston, Canada ) on January 06, 1998 at 18:33:51:

Hearing about this story truly makes me ill, and it is not from the
"fast food " that I sucessfully digested minutes ago. I must confess, I do not have a great deal of knowledge about the backgrounds of the couple creating such a clatter, but I would be interested in thier occupation that is, if they are employed. They seem like students that in a time of global trouble, fueled by media propaganda, need to balance their concerns.

If you really want to ruffle some feathers, why don't you re-position the turret and aim at the oil companies. That might piss some people off and hey, you'll become that more acclaimed.

I like to think that I'm a reasonably educated individual. And it's not that I'm blind to this gobal plight, but I think your efforts would be appreciated in other areas.

Mcdonalds in Canada is a reputable business that places crew satisfaction as a number one priority. For many crew this is a stepping stone and a job educator. They pay based on performance and not seniority, which is fair. No they don't pay alot. But after all they are serving hamburgers not solving world peace. Whoops, I hope I didn't give anybody ideas for their next campaign.
In closing, I think we need to be more sensative to our enviroment and I support Greenpeace fully. BUT Some of you people need to get a grip and start being part of the solutions. And stop moulding a cult like sheep mass that does nothing but whine. Do something Positive

McSpotlight Comments:

If you want to know more about the backgrounds of Dave and Helen, there is loads of information on McSpotlight. Start with People. Briefly, Helen was a gardener and also worked part time in a bar, while Dave was a former postman who became involved with the Trades Unions movement.

In regard to your comment about the Oil Companies, there is a whole section on McSpotlight dealing with this particular issue in the Beyond McDonalds section.

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