- McDonald's -

Debating is human nature, and it sure is fun!!!

Posted by: Mike Bacon, A Mid-Cities Net Surfer ( Bedford, TX, USA ) on August 15, 1997 at 11:04:28:

In Reply to: McNutts - a thesis posted by Paxton P. on August 13, 1997 at 14:11:53:

I don't have anything against the fast food chains, or rather, the responsible
franchise owners. And I realize that if I eat nothing, I'll die much quicker.

As for getting a bike, that's on hold for awhile. I'm trying to save for a down
payment on a new or late model truck, preferably Ford. Some of those bikes I've
seen go for $1,000 and up!!! I'll have to look for the best value. Then, I'll have to price bicycle helmets, and look for the least expensive rack to bolt onto my car, or in the bed of my pickup (which I don't have yet).

As for the people who visit these rooms, yes they have strong opinions, and right or wrong, they are not likely to budge from their positions. Many times the discussions do get heated, but that's part of human nature. I know I've pissed off my share of the regulars who visit, and many probably wish I'd go away.

But you've got to put that $2,000-plus box in your living room to use somehow, and it is fun to debate. To wind this up, just take it easy, and agree to disagree. McD's and others are in no danger of expiring.

P.S. The lines at Albertson's and Tom Thumb are still quite lengthy.

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