- McDonald's -

Re: the condom one is genuine

Posted by: deee isner ( usa ) on October 07, 1997 at 18:49:38:

In Reply to: the condom one is genuine posted by Gideon Hallett on September 26, 1997 at 11:01:03:

: : : Has anybody heard a news report about a condom found in an hamburger? So far, several people told me about it, but I cannot find the news source or any other reference. Thanks.

: : Sorry, no condom's verified. This is an "Urban Legend" (see urban legends") that circulates through every city.

: Sorry, Dee, this one is genuine. It went round the McSpotlight mailing list in mid-August (the list you can subscribe to from the site) and I read it and discarded it (as I didn't know it would come up again). It was also mentioned by David Letterman on his 22/8/97 Top Ten List.

: The salient facts of the case are that a guy in Hoover, Alabama ordered a Big Mac at a Drive Thru. When he got the burger, he discovered a foil-wrapped condom on the burger (not inside), underneath the salad.

: He was (understandably) shocked, hence the lawsuit he took out.

: If you find something you think is an urban legend, the best places to check are alt.folklore.urban, or the associated web site at this address

Gideon, the only way you would know for sure is if you actually put the condom in the burger. What's to say the customer, or his practical joking friend, didn't do it themselves? If drugs or other objectionable materials were found in your car, are you going to blame the auto manufacturer? People can claim and say anything; proving it is something else. Do you mean to say that a person in England would believe as gospel truth something heard over the internet about Hoover, Alabama. I think this is the same town where the UFO's are always sited.

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