- McDonald's -

every little drop makes a river

Posted by: David Marchal ( United States ) on July 27, 1997 at 12:53:39:

In Reply to: The Truth About This Website posted by Adam Smith on April 13, 1997 at 02:16:56:

Mr Smith,

It is obvious that your way of responding to a point is by arguing with poor little answers and by just having just poor selfish conviction.

Nevertheless, my point here is not to condemn you and your way of thinking, but it appears to me that the consequences of acts are completely bypassing you. Take a minute and think, it doesn't hurt.

By the way, have you ever thought about joining the army? Your speech is very convincing to people whom are influenced by others that are talking louder then themselves.

I also would like to emphasize the fact that I am not vegetarian, and notwithstanding my respect for them I do not wish to become one.

regarding your highly spiritual statement that we shall all go to China, it would be interesting for you to take a minute and make the following reflection: why do I talk about something I do not know. This is a common sense especially from Americans to talk about other countries but when you dig a bit in their statements there is nothing but what medias in United States (in other words, politically correct analysis, egocentered information or simply shows...) describe.

Now, may I try to be a little bit more constructive...

The problem encountered by McDonald if the first event and open the door to more condemnation to acts that I feel are completely against humanity. We certainly have to keep in mind (and I think that we have most of us lost track) that the welfare of our planet shall come from a common effort. This common effort has to somehow come from a beginning. We should realize that every little drop makes a river and that we have the power to make things happen.

I will certainly be open to a discussion with you on these items and others if you wish.

Remember that 1+1=3 and that a discussion with opponed points are always good.


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