- McDonald's -

Hey Bacon Double

Posted by: Julia- Stoopin to the level! ( BK, USA ) on October 17, 1997 at 07:41:56:

In Reply to: A few ideas for McDonald's posted by Mike Bacon on October 14, 1997 at 22:31:23:

Hey Bacon Double, long time no talk. I for one liked your idea of a burger war but i doubt the corporate mucky mucks would go for it. I also want to tell you I support your lambasting of that Elf Eman or whatever the hell his name is. What a crack head. I may be stooping to the level but what the hell, we are all allowed to once in a while Oh yeh and BK wins the burger wars heads down/

: Nothing really is original anymore. As Ozzy Osbourne stated in 1988, "We're all thieves!".

: But McDonald's can improve on what it has to compete effectively with BK and others. For instance, they could improve their Big Mac by enlarging the patties, skipping the "secret sauce", and adding lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. And they could improve all their burgers by scrapping the microwave and installing a state-of-the-art, efficient grille, which would work similar in concept to their state-of-the-art french fryer.

: To get over their slight slump, the franchise owners and the Corporate people need to put their heads together, and strive to produce the best-tasting burger that fast-food technology can.

: I'd love to see a "burger race" between BK and McD's! That would be fun to watch! Head-to-head competition is part of the beauty of Capitalism! We the customers would certainly stand to benefit from the results! Go for it, McD and BK!!! Show us what you got!

: Cheers! Mike.

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