- McDonald's -

does seem like petty bullshit

Posted by: J on August 03, 1997 at 13:04:19:

In Reply to: Parody is NOT copyright infringement!!! posted by Mike Bacon on August 02, 1997 at 13:03:00:

: There is a fine (VERY FINE) line that separates copyright protection and restriction of freedom of speech. There are people at Mickey D's Corporate that are obviously not making use of their time to accomplish those "better things".

In a huge corporation like McDonald's, they have people who deal with this stuff as their job. It isn't their job to do "better things". THEIR job is to watch for stuff like copyright infringment.

: Regardless of who does it, no court in the U.S., Canada, U.K., or wherever, needs its dockets jammed with frivolous lawsuits over petty bullshit. If I took control of the company, they would likely be the first to get a shape-up-or-else lecture from me.

I agree, totally. Things like this DO seem like petty bullshit. But if you WERE to take over McD's, would you want someone twisting your logo around trying to make you look like some upside-down company? I think not!

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