- McDonald's -

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Posted by: Julian Watts ( Seattle, USA ) on June 07, 1997 at 13:45:48:

In Reply to: Re: Get your facts straight posted by joe beranek on June 04, 1997 at 20:02:31:

: : :The way socialism has screwed things up, it is my understanding that a lot of people in England and Canada want it stopped.

: : This must be why at the last Canadian election, the governing Conservative party was reduced to two seats (yes - just two) in favour of a Liberal government (which is about to be re-elected) and the British recently voted out 16 years+ of Conservative rule in favour of the socialist Labour party in one of the largest lanslides in British political history.

: : You really should get your facts straight

: What you say is true. However, Tony Blair did the same thing Clinton did in this country. He largely adopted the conservative's agenda. I don't understand how anyone can defend socialism/communism after seeing what happened in the former USSR and and Eastern Europe.

There's a difference between socialism and communism just as there is between conservatism and liberalism. Politics also operates on an infinite sliding scale, as does socialism. Blair and Chretien (and Clinton) have adopted many ideas traditionally attributed to conservative ideology. Only the ignorant continue to bleat on about how the oh so evil USSR failure in communism shows why capitalism is the only thing that's been proven to work (etc, etc, ad nauseam)

Blair is ostensibly socialist and Chretien liberal. This is revealed in many other policies. Unlike the Tories, Blair is much more pro Europe - he will support a social charter and a move to greater European union (including the ERM possibly) unlike Major (who did nothing). He also claims to believe in improving socialised health care in the UK (decimated by the Tories), believes in the right of individuals to a living wage (unlike the Tories and MCDonald's for that matter). Such policies are typical of a more liberal/socialist ideology. Clinton and Chretien appear the same, to an extent.

Socialist/Conservative labels apart, the move of the voters has been away from stict conservatism and towards those advocating a more even method of providing for the people (policies that are by no means the definition of a Communist ideology over a Socialist one). Corporations like McDs don't like this since they make money by paying crap wages, opposing organised labour, and poor treatment of employees. This boosts profits.Cconservative policies are genarally tailored to aiding big business in making bigger profits. Socialists try to balance this somewhat with the needs of the public in general.

Anyway - this site is for discussing McDonald's and not politics. There's a separate page for that (...Alternatives). However, there has clearly been a move in the minds of voters in the West away from the staunch conservatism of the 80's (in France, Canada, UK, and possibly US since Reagan). It remains to be seen whether this lasts or turns out to actually make any difference.

The End

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