- McDonald's -

Exactly my point

Posted by: Julian Watts ( Seattle, USA ) on May 17, 1997 at 10:28:35:

In Reply to: John Belushi might disagree posted by Mike Bacon on May 16, 1997 at 12:48:01:

: : boy, you really do seem to be misinformed...

: : Everything's relative. People live on heroin, or a pag o' cigs a day and live to be 70.

: Well, let's see: John Belushi, Jerry Garcia, and River Pheonix might
: disagree, and countless others who OD'd and "keeled over" before their time.

Exactly my point - some people (by no means all) can live for many, many years on heroin or smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. You could also eat a couple of Macs a day for many, many years.

The point is that doing any of these will almost certainly get you a date with St Paul or Lucifer (other life decisions permitting) before the one that was originally scheduled for you.

And...probably most importantly for everyone, is that before you die, you will suffer from a decrease in quality of life due to additional health problems you have incurred by these actions (purchase is necessary, effects may very from individual to individual).

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