- McDonald's -

Re: Holy hamburger Batman, intelligent life found at McSpotlight!

Posted by: Tom ( Virginia, USA ) on December 31, 1997 at 14:37:59:

In Reply to: Holy hamburger Batman, intelligent life found at McSpotlight! posted by Mike Sprout on November 29, 1997 at 22:08:52:

There are so many kids who need a big brother or big sister. There are so many elderly who have no one to talk to. While you sit at your computer screen to fulfill some need that I don't understand, there are so many people who need so much help. This is the first and last time I spend my time laughing at all the time you're wasting and now little impact all this has on what we really consider important. When have you spoken to your mother? brother? godparent? great uncle? These WILL have impact on what we all consider important.

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