- McDonald's -

extra ingredients

Posted by: Ted ( Troublemakers R Us, Madison, WI, USA ) on August 01, 1997 at 12:56:06:

In Reply to: Rude Customers posted by me on July 31, 1997 at 10:41:52:

> For everyone out there who feels relieved once they've cursed the drive thru
> cashier out-------- not a good idea. You have to keep in mind that these are
> the people that handle your food.

I'm always amazed that so many people have trouble grasping this
simple concept. Spoiled, pampered customers need instant
gratification. It's much easier to scream at the cashier than it is
to write a letter or make a phone call to management. Besides, when
you're having a bad day, isn't it fun to abuse people who are in no
position to defend themselves? As far as I'm concerned, any cowards
who pull that crap deserve those extra ingredients in their food.

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