- McDonald's -

There's no doubt about it

Posted by: McPundit ( USA ) on January 12, 1998 at 02:22:04:

In Reply to: Anyone can do it. posted by on January 09, 1998 at 01:26:34:

: I take great offence that you believe that anyone can work at McDonalds. I am a assistant mgr. and i will have you know that there is alot more than just flipping burgers going on with our employees.
: Our employees learn team work, resonsibility, how to work with all different people. Our company helps prepare our young people for the future. So please do not make light of McDonalds employees.

: We work very hard for our wages. and I challange you to try my job for 1 week and then tell me anyone can do it!

There's no doubt about it; it is very hard and demanding work . . . that's why it's called "work" and not "play". But for thousands, McDONALD'S IS A GREAT PLACE TO START, get valuable work experience, a responsible employment record, and move on to something better if you so desire. The complainers are those that did nothing in their teens and early twenties and then can not understand why they can not get at $20 per hour first job and then suckle the federal government teat. So you can plan on either sucking off the government tax payers for the rest of your life OR START at McDonald's (or other entry level position) and in the long run make something of yourself.

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