- McDonald's -

communities seek seniors like salvation

Posted by: Lois Hanna ( usa ) on January 11, 1998 at 20:55:28:

In Reply to: SENIOR DISCOUNT posted by Bruce Brandsma on January 06, 1998 at 18:18:04:

In Florida and elsewhere, communities seek seniors like salvation. Seniors don't use jails to any significant extent; they don't crowd the schools with mega-families; they use very few of the tax-supported community supports but in contrast bring big bucks in with their medical insurance - including Medicare. They seldom vandalize or disrupt (although they may drive a little slowly). While costing the community very little, they spend their retirement dollars in local stores and pay the same property taxes (or more) as a family of ten that's hogging the services big-time. If seniors left our community, half the businesses would close. An occasional discount (as you've noticed, much lessened by corporate qualifiers) is a minor motivator to come or stay nearby. The little recognition it implies is a bigger one. I enjoy them. They're sure not making us rich, while we continue to enrich the community we chose for our retirement.

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