- McDonald's -

Will the REAL McDonald's please stand up!

Posted by: McOpCo Manager - Western Australia ( Perth, Western Australia ) on October 06, 1997 at 19:31:43:

I have been with McOpCo for a while now and when I started things were exciting. Lots of opportunity and development. We were a close McOpCo team with much zeal and enthusiasm to establish the company and give the other states a run for their money.

We expanded very rapidly having to recruit manager's from the Eastern States. Many who became highly instrumental in setting the pace for McOpCo and making a mark for WA.

Expansion began to pan out and management development was the focus...focus on our people...was the key.This continued up until new middle-management positions had to be created and people were waiting to be promoted. This is where it all hit the fan.

Those whom 'everyone' expected to be promoted, and deserved to were not. Managers who worked so hard..so many hours to bring in that bottom line and raise QSC standards....they and many were extemely let down and we lost over half-a-dozen senior managers within 3 weeks.

Those who could have made it the way it should have were taken away from it all. Many Asst. Managers wouldn't have got where they were without these people.....all that is left is people politics. Who can pucker up and kiss the most and 'seen' doing it...wins. Is this what McDonald's is about??? I think not. i love McDonald's and the principles it stands for. We all as managers strife to perform and work the best we can every day to satisfy and go beyond what it takes to be a McDonald's manager. If there is one thing McOpCo WA needs to wake up to its: Understanding & appreciating what they already have and recognising the fact. Learning how to motivate and reward their people
..not just using them to get what they want. But helping them to achieve and , in turn, everyone wins.

A disheartened McOpCo Manager - but a loyal McDonald's one.

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