- McDonald's -

Franchisees beware

Posted by: Gabrielle ( Australia ) on July 19, 1997 at 05:11:48:

In Reply to: extremely stressful posted by shelly on September 09, 1996 at 13:47:22:

Beware of owning a McDonald's Franchise. I talk from experience.
The company will never put anything in writing to you, so you have little evidence against them when they try to stab you in the back. They are not interested in the Franchisees, and while Franchisees are working for nothing the company consultants make mega-bucks with their company supplied shares.
I did not believe that the McDonald's company would really treat people like this, after all their propoganda about "having a partnership". I was actually an advocate for the system, that is until I experienced the truth.
Where is Shelly?

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