- McDonald's -

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry

Posted by: Anton U. ( Sweden ) on July 20, 1997 at 11:51:53:

In Reply to: McDonald's website's legal stuff posted by Ed on July 17, 1997 at 16:12:12:

: Hmm.. maybe so, but check out McDonald's website's legal stuff if you think that they are as equally unworried as you seem to be by this. I have never seen anything like this on a website - anyone else?

: Oh, and by the way, did you realise that 'You' is a registered trademark of McDonald's?

I agree to you there; the first thing I read on their site was the legal stuff and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry (eventually I decided to laugh). Just one thing (I don't know if you were ironic): I read the trademark part and I came to the conclusion that 'You, You're The One' was the trademark and not only 'You'.

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