- McDonald's -

A suggestion and some advice

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( Bedford, TX, USA ) on September 12, 1997 at 14:42:11:

In Reply to: undeniably promoted that way posted by Greg on September 11, 1997 at 11:39:05:

OK then, how about this? For Mother's Day, Mickey D's can honor moms by giving them that special package of goodies and/or a special on, say a value meal. They can use this time to stress the important role our mothers play in raising us. Ditto for dads on Father's Day.

But Greg, why are you making a mountain out of a molehill? Tell me how that's any different than say Ladies' night at a popular night spot? And how about the Senior Citizens' specials that the Golden Arches and others have? Does that warrant a rant?

Furthermore, many apartment complexes here by DFW (Dallas-Ft. Worth) Airport offer special discounts on rent (and often no application fee) for the Airport Employees and those who work for American Airlines Headquarters. Others in North Texas have preferred employer discounts. Let's hear you bitch if you fall in one of those categories above. As a bank employee I enjoy customer perks that others don't.

So, as Cara says, lighten up, it's nothing to warrant getting into a tirade.

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