- McDonald's -

all I was doing was...

Posted by: Rachelle ( England ) on September 11, 1997 at 11:55:01:

look, I am just a student, with no words of wisdom whatsoever. I am surfing the net looking for information on McDonalds for a school project and all that I could find were your messages about the corrupt company. So, I think that most of you will be pleased that it hasn't contaminated the internet as yet!
anyway, that still doesn't help me with my project.
I went on a excursion to a McDonalds restaurant (yippee!) about a week ago- which is related to this assignment and we heard the restaurant manager go on about the company etc. etc. etc.
anyway, turns out that this guy eats Maccas everyday for lunch. serious.
so, just shows you how much culture has been taken from our society with the introduction of the fast food companies...

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