- McDonald's -


Posted by: jerod varty ( USA ) on September 28, 1997 at 14:47:55:

i work 4 a local mcdonalds i am 16 years old i LOVE WORKING 4 THE CORPORATION I HAVE BEEN WORKING THERE 4 year now and love it. 4 all the morons who pic and attack us u suck!!!!!!!!!!! all of the mcdonalds through out the country devote our lives 2 keep our customers number 1 we work our asses off 2 make u happy we provide a fast service.clean store and make it so u enjoy yourselves we believe our customers our #1 they are our top priority over everything else we have a bond with our customers.and if u do not believe it tough so e-mail if u wanna talk 2 me have a problem or like us or even if u wanna make a suggestion
have a good night. oh i am open 2 suggestions so we can make the best possible place 4 u 2 come.

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