- McDonald's -

Brash young McD execs

Posted by: Jeff Granger ( U.S. ) on July 04, 1997 at 17:08:15:

When driving an airport limousine in the early 1980's, I had the experience of meeting many McDonald's execs, as the limo company for which I worked serviced McD's world headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois. Almost without exception, these individuals were uncannily young, often in their late 20's or early 30's, and aggressively obnoxious. I gained the distinct impression that they had been recruited primarily on the basis of their rudeness and exaggerated self-importance.
The one incident that most stands out in my mind is of a 30-ish McD's exec who got in the limo for a ride to the airport. After a cursory hello, the first words to leave his mouth were "How much (money) do you make doing this?".
To this I replied something like "Enough to suffice, thanks".
His quick response was "Well, I make forty-five thousand dollars a year".
I was non-plussed, and said something like "gosh, that's nice", but obviously he was quite impressed with the statement, as with himself.

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