- McDonald's -

Re: I Can tell u this much..

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( Bedford, Texas, USA ) on June 08, 1997 at 19:00:00:

In Reply to: I Can tell u this much.. posted by McCrewman..... on June 08, 1997 at 12:40:23:

: I have worked for this joint for 3 and a half years and it isn't what everyone expects it to be (all the good food and meeting new people). It sucks. no benefits. no free meals for anyone. just a half off meal. wooooooopeeeee. we need to pay bills too u know. this really ticks me off now anyway. it didn't 3 years ago. now that bills are piling up i can't stand even looking at McDonald's. i think i speak for all the real CREW PEOPLE
Well, what do you expect working CREW in a fast food joint?!! It's an
ENTRY LEVEL position!!! Instead of posting whiney messages like this,
why don't you concentrate on doing the best damn job you can, there
might be a PROMOTION in it for you! To maybe Crew Supervisor, or even
Assistant Manager. Who knows? Someday you may own the franchise!
Call me a selfish asshole, but I personally don't want to pay $9 for a
combo meal or $5 for a Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese alone.
If it's really that bad working there, then another option might be to
seek employment at any business that provides good next step up jobs,
something preferably related to the college degree you are seeking.

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