- McDonald's -

People have a choice Gideon

Posted by: ginger ( usa ) on August 27, 1997 at 16:02:08:

In Reply to: Re: McStupid, indeed!!! posted by Gideon Hallett on August 27, 1997 at 13:21:49:

: : And what has making burgers got to do with a bastard thug who murders your best
: : friend, relative, or spouse?!! Stop comparing apples and oranges!!!

: Isn't everyone someone's friend, relative or spouse? There is ultimately no difference in causing someone's death by indoctrinating them into an unhealthy diet or causing someone's death by indoctrinating people to shoot other people. It may be a much more "newsworthy" event to nerve gas a town, killing 4-5000 people instantly, but it's equally deadly to kill 4-5000 people by teaching them not to eat properly.

That is the biggest piece of crap I've ever read.

: McDonald's are doing their best to foster and promulgate a culture that overconsumes meat on a massive and endemic scale. Deaths arising from ill health due to the imbalanced diet engendered _are_ McDonald's responsibility, as a company that large wields considerable social power.

It is not McDonalds responsibility. People were eating meat long before McDonalds came along. An imbalanced diet is in the eye of the beholder. If I eat at McDonalds everyday and order an extra value meal super-sized, then yes I'm probably risking my health. But, if I eat
responsibly most of the time, and on occasionly eat a Big Mac then
my risk is lowered. That's my responsibility, no one else's.

: (on a serious note, you are saying that Ronald isn't an "evil" person the way that Hitler et. al. are. Does this mean that you would accept a person as "evil" only if they filled the cackling maniac stereotype?

If you think Ronald compares to Hiltler then you have serious problems.

: Look at what they do, as well as who they are. Ronald is the figurehead of a multimillion dollar ad campaign that contributes to an unhealthy diet for millions. How many of them will suffer ill health due to the high levels of fat and sugar (ask the W.H.O.)? As such, Ronald is _culpable and implicated_ in the deaths. What more do you want as a definition of "evil"?

You are still forgetting that people are responsible for their own diets. Most people understand that a business advertises. And most people understand what advertising is for.

: After all, Charles Manson hasn't killed as many people as Ronald McDonald has...

I'm sorry Gideon, that is the biggest piece of crap I've ever read.
When you compare Ronald McDonald to Manson or Hitler you are trivializing the murder and suffering of their victims. How dare you compare deaths caused by an improper diet to those caused by the Holocaust. You should be ashamed.
People have a choice Gideon of what they eat. The Jewish people had no choice against death in an incinerator. McDonalds doesn't seperate mothers from their children or make a mother choose between two of her children. McDonalds doesn't make people strip and line up in front of the grave they just dug for themselves.
You need to grow up.

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