- McDonald's -

Most of us are not assholes.

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( Bedford, TX, USA ) on September 30, 1997 at 10:03:21:

In Reply to: Food on the floor posted by Mickey on September 29, 1997 at 10:21:00:

: I dont have a comment about dropping food on the floor but all I know is customers are pretty fucking stupid. They think that since I work at McDonald's Im a piece of shit well Im not and Im learning how to deal with these assholes. One more thing the management at our store friggin' sucks!!! Anyone else who works at McD's give me an e-mail and Id like to talk to you about your store and management situatuion to see if it is better than mine or worse!

I may not be the smartest on the planet, but I don't consider myself "fucking stupid". I don't go around looking down my nose at the staff, either. My impression of any service person depends on how that service person conducts him/herself. If there is a problem with my food and the employee smiles, apologizes, and resolves the problem, then kudos to him or her for showing the since of responsibility. If I'm greeted cheerfully when I go to the counter to place my order, then I have confidence in that person.

However, if I'm met by someone who doesn't know how to smile, talks in a monotone, seemingly glares at me, and just plain obviously doesn't give a shit, then the caution light comes on regarding the place in whole. If after I requested "Supersize", "Texassize", or "Go Large" as I usually do when ordering a value meal, and it appears I mistakenly received a small drink or fries, and the manager or crewmember frowns and doesn't even apologize when he changes it (This happened recently, and I was not hostile about it), then that doesn't do much to impress me on his character. And I'm sorry, but you sound like someone who fits these negative catagories.

And does your management really "friggin suck" or is it that you're pissed off because they actually expect you to work and not fuck around, expect a doctor's note if you call in sick, and have a problem with anyone always asking someone else to cover so he can go party or attend a concert? Do you have a problem with being required to pull your weight?

With your obvious lack of company loyalty, I don't see you advancing very far up the ladder.

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