- McDonald's -

Response to tired right-winger with too much computer time

Posted by: Bitchy Richy ( SoCal ) on July 15, 1997 at 10:21:35:

In Reply to: 'Macca's' is a cool nickname posted by Mike Bacon on July 12, 1997 at 21:55:40:

: Now those activist idiots in the agency are trying to take our few remaining classic cars of the 60s' and 70s' away from us. To the crusher Mach I, Challenger, and Barrucuda!!! Goodby, Olds 4-4-2 and Pontiac GTO!!! Adios, Galaxie 500XL!!!

Funny, I don't remember saying I was taking anything away from you.
In fact, my first car was a restored '68 Mercury Cougar, gas-guzzler
though it was, which I raced against my friends in high school.

: How many more freedoms should be taken from us, BR and Gideon? The cow will still be here and so will this earth long after all of us are gone! Like Mr. Cox, I don't want my life to be made miserable by socialist know-it-alls while I'm still alive.

Who are you calling a socialist? You're free to make your own
choices, and I am free to criticize those choices and hopefully
persuade some of you that those choices have a lot of negative
consequences. Much like you're free to smoke cigarettes, but
you should know about the lung cancer risk, emphysema, where the
tobacco companies have lied to us (much as the meat industry has),
and if you blow that shit in my face you're liable to get your
ass kicked. Just fair warnings to the apathetic and the plain
brainwashed consumers around us.

It seems some of us pledge blind
allegiance to meat and McDonald's without even entertaining the
possibility that there might be some untruth in what you've been
conditioned to believe and accept. Whereas I do not believe in
blind allegiance to anything. Sure, I am a vegetarian and I
do advocate that animals should be free from human-inflicted suffering.

I came to my own conclusions after reading information from many
sources, both pro and con, and then making my own decisions. I
am not a member of any group nor am I an "activist," I have a real
job and responsibilies that do not allow me the luxury to go out
and campaign my beliefs to people such as yourself who probably just
listen to Rush Limbaugh and nod your head in thoughtless agreement,
lest you be labeled a "liberal" or something.

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