- McDonald's -

The Religious Right's Corporate Connections

Posted by: Quincunx ( To the left of the Right ) on August 15, 1997 at 01:58:14:

In Reply to: McD's and the Religious Right posted by Boone on August 14, 1997 at 00:16:30:

>> I find it interesting that Mcd's CEO has very close ties to the Religious
>> Right, namely Pat Robertson, Ralph Reed, Jesse Helms to name a few.
>> They all belong to the Council for National Policy, which meets four times
>> a year to set the Rights agenda.

I'm not surprised at all at this connection.There is a lot of connections between these really bad multinationals and the Religious Right in the USA. Jesse Helms is probably one of the worst and the history of his involvement with brutal Latin American military dictatorships is anything but Christian.Ralph Reed ,like Jesse Helms, is heavily involved in the Tobacco Lobby and as any list of the leaders of the Religious Right goes on it becomes apparent that these people have a vested interest in denying basic human rights to people in Third World countries. They tend to be the principal shareholders in the multinationals that plunder and pillage poor countries.

However, the Religious Right isn't the monolithic entity that many
tend to view it as.These luminaries who have become household words are
prone to spiting each other over inane doctrinal differences.This sort
of pre-enlightenment style of debate has a tendency (at least in my view)to cripple any attempt to question the political life around
themselves so it's not surprising to see how intolerant they are
their contradictions in their worldviews are exposed.

Anyways, I hope you like this link.If you don't have it already.

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