- McDonald's -

Re: Why bother.

Posted by: Stephen Psallidas ( UK ) on June 06, 1997 at 01:01:36:

In Reply to: Re: Why bother. posted by Joe on May 21, 1997 at 23:33:23:

: The Last time I checked, Luke, McD's was not forcing people to eat at their store. Anybody who eats there or at ANY fast food restaurant must have a pretty good idea that the menu is not recommended as a fat free diet. You would have to be awefully dense to think otherwise.

But you don't see McD's saying that their food is not recommended do you ? And whoever even dares to suggest it is hammered with a lawsuit.

Actually, McScum take advantage of the fact that many people can't think for themselves. Like 5 year old kids. And once they're hooked on the image they spend billions a year on advertising to make sure that they stay hooked until they're adults.

: As for those "poor,tortured animals";I think you are off base on that one pal.Do you see normal meat-eating people making fun of your apparent vegetarian life-style? I doubt it.

I'm a vegetarian and yes, I do get people making fun of me all the time. You must live under a rock if you don't realise that that goes on all the time....

: Last but not least, what is wrong with Cathy enjoying her job? It seems nowadys nobody is happy with what they are doing for a living. It is great to see an individual to be happy with their job.

Fair enough, as long as she is genuinely happy and not just like one of the cattle that she spends her time serving up.

: Freedom of opinion is a great privilege Luke but before you spout off, you should put some thought behind it first.


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