- McDonald's -

Re: Why bother.

Posted by: Joe ( McDonald's Restaurants of Canada, Canada ) on May 21, 1997 at 23:33:23:

In Reply to: Why bother. posted by Luke on May 18, 1997 at 20:09:06:

The Last time I checked, Luke, McD's was not forcing people to eat at their store. Anybody who eats there or at ANY fast food restaurant must have a pretty good idea that the menu is not recommended as a fat free diet. You would have to be awefully dense to think otherwise.

As for those "poor,tortured animals";I think you are off base on that one pal.Do you see normal meat-eating people making fun of your apparent vegetarian life-style? I doubt it.

Last but not least, what is wrong with Cathy enjoying her job? It seems nowadys nobody is happy with what they are doing for a living. It is great to see an individual to be happy with their job.

Freedom of opinion is a great privilege Luke but before you spout off, you should put some thought behind it first.

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