- McDonald's -

Re: Salt on Rat tails

Posted by: McMad Mom ( U.S.A ) on December 22, 1997 at 10:36:02:

In Reply to: They can salt my fries all they want! posted by Mike Bacon on December 06, 1997 at 02:09:31:

: I'm a mostly reformed saltaholic...but fries are an exception!!! Gotta have my salt on those fries cause fries ain't fries without it!!!

: An honorable Mickey D customer
: Mike.

: P.S. Everyone behave yourselves and open your chimneys so Santa Clause will visit!

McDonalds does more than just salt their french fries they also salt their rat tails and than they put the blame on good people!!!! They may have taken the blame off of themselves for now but the truth will come out.

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