- McDonald's -

Don't blame McDonald's

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( TIG, Bedford, TX, USA ) on November 30, 1997 at 16:03:02:

In Reply to: Breaking the Cycle posted by Joe on November 28, 1997 at 21:13:33:

If one chooses to overdo the fattening foods, then he/she will reap the consequences. The parents who always take their children to McDonald's and the other fast food places are the ones responsible for the less-than-wise eating habbits instilled in them, and the resulting obesity. I do not hold "Ronald", the late Ray Kroc, or Dave Thomas responsible, and neither should anyone else.

As for later in life, well the messages are out there regarding eating too much of the foods loaded with fat. If they continue to pursue that path, and develope health problems, then it's those individuals' own fault. The fast food corporations are just responding to what the markets (Read: We the consumers) want. Not that I'm saying they are saints.

I agree that everyone should include plenty of fruits and veggies in their diet, and you sound like you would be a responsible parent in that regard. To eat meat or not, that's up to you, and I won't try to pursuade anybody one way or the other. To allow or forbid your children to consume meat, of course that's your decision too.

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