- McDonald's -

Re: Opening a Franchise

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( The Interlude Generation, Bedford, TX, USA ) on October 12, 1997 at 18:15:43:

In Reply to: Re: Opening a Franchise posted by Quincunx on October 11, 1997 at 20:45:28:

> Why would you want to open another fucking McDonalds?

I don't think that another McD's will be the end of the world there are certainly worse things on the planet.

I have read a bit about private franchising at the local Barnes & Noble Book Store. If he can make a go of it and realize his dream, then more power to him!
However, I wouldn't personally pursue a Mickey D's franchise. From what I've read, even though you own it, you have very little say in what goes. Corporate decides for you where your location is going to be, and makes most of your business decisions for you. The royalty fees are outrageous, and that could partially explain the low profit margin, and the limited status of your employees' salaries.

If I were interested in opening a franchise, I'd look for one that would at least eventually provide me a decent return on my capital investment. Of course money isn't the long and short of it. I would have to enjoy what I was doing, and of course have the skill to do it. I would also want the franchising corporation to be customer-friendly and enthusiastically supportive. One that will not charge outrageous licensing and royalty fees, plus whatever other charge it can invent. Also, I want to be involved in the making or changing of policies that apply to myself and other owners. It's my understanding that McD's isn't exactly democratic to its franchise owners.

To wrap this up, my suggestion to anyone interested in a franchise is to find one that you will be happiest with, and where you will get a return on your investment the fastest, provided you're a dedicated hard worker. But don't buy a McD's, if what I heard is true about Corporate's treatment of the owners.

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