- McDonald's -

Saturday lunch brings out the worst in people

Posted by: Vanessa ( none, canada ) on August 23, 1997 at 13:37:10:

In Reply to: the customer isn't always right... posted by J on July 31, 1997 at 10:38:10:

I think that everyone in the world should have to spend one week of their lives working at a fast food restaurant!!!!!!!!!! As for rude customers there is alot of them out there no matter how great your location is.For example,ther are customers who will bang on your doors at 615am and demand an egg mcmuffin when you don`t open until 7am!What about the lady who swears on her life that she paid with her banking card yesterday when you haven`t had interact direct payment in 2 years!Or the old man who tells you that you are a f---ing bitch because he wants to speak to the male supervisor and all the supervisors are female.Saturday lunch brings out the worst in people.After eight years of serving both great people and snotty people I still enjoy telling people to HAVE A NICE DAY and ENJOY YOUR MEAL! The ruder people are to me the nicer I am to them and it pisses them off more!!!!!

: : Perhaps part of the problem at your store is YOUR attitude! Ever think of that?!!!
: : Like I said, I don't bitch at a supervisor or the staff often, but when I do,
: : it is because I'm fed up with a certain location's performance, and yes I am
: : often very much to the point!!! Then, if it continues, I quit going there.

: I totally agree with you. If a location can't cut it, let the store manager or supervisor know. But I wouldn't do 1 thing - yelling at the super./staff. If you yell at them, they're just going to think that you're on permenant PMS and they aren't going to take you 100% seriously. Instead, write the store a letter addressed to either the store manager or supervisor. This makes a MUCH greater impact, because you actually took the time to let them know you were disatisfied, and you didn't yell at them through a drivethru window.

: : Maybe Texas is different than other parts of the country, but I haven't
: : personally witnessed many confrontational customers at restaurants.

: Well, most customers don't see any confrontations. You may have 1 or 2 on your shift, and only the people in your dining room or in line at that particular moment will see it. I've seen everything from a customer throwing a bag full of food at someone (because they tried to scam food from us) to a customer swearing at me because we ran out of a particular toy.

: : I therefore find your "half the customers" story hard to believe, that is if everyone,
: : including YOU, is doing their job properly! But if you have a lot of customers
: : confronting you or others, then obviously your location has problems!

: : If you want to see your store go out of business, keep up the anti-customer attitude!!!

: I AM NOT anti-customer. I wouldn't work at a fast food place if i was, for cryin' out loud. But there ARE a lot of people out there looking for a handout, and McD's seems to be a fav. place to go. I get some of the most stupid requests - a man once wanted a free desert because he had to wait in the DT line for 2 minutes...GIVE ME A BREAK!!

: I'm sorry if i gave you an anti-customer impression. "The customer is always right" is just a slogan so that the entire public thinks they're some sort of god. If you've worked in any place that deals with the public on a mass scale, you KNOW that the customer isn't always right...

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