- McDonald's -

Re: Do you know how silly you are?

Posted by: Keith ( none, UK ) on January 05, 1998 at 14:03:22:

In Reply to: Do you know how silly you are? posted by Bengt on January 04, 1998 at 20:49:18:

: You do not seem to have the facts straight! This has nothing to do with McDonald┤s - it has to do with registerd trademarks. Do you really believe that Burger King would not go after a business named Burger Ping or Burger Sting or King Burger etc.

What gives McDonald's the right to monopolise the use of a prefix which goes back hundreds (perhaps thousands) of years in Scottish history? Is it right that McDonald's should be allowed to deny a Scottish woman the right to sentimentally call her English sandwich shop McMunchies, just because it has 'Mc' in the name? And she neither sells hamburgers nor french fries! Good god, what ever happened to common sense?

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