- McDonald's -

re: who's side is McD on anyway?!

Posted by: Liam Cosgrave ( USA ) on June 21, 1997 at 05:58:30:

McDonald's must be asking who is to blame for this PR disaster - heads will roll for this. Not only has so much money been wasted but the coverage has been almost totally in favour of the McLibel Two - this despite the fact that the judge in his humble and individualistic opinion asserted that within the narrow confines of the legal system McD did in fact win - ie McD won the points that they were able to manipualte to be argued in court but lost the bigger more relevant and pertinent issues. The judge came down in favour of much of what was said in the leaflet - but on factual points of law he HAD to find against Helen and Dave ... and STILL he found in favour of Helan and Dave over exploitation of kids thru advertising, he found that workers were exploited thru low pay and that animals are routinely made to suffer by McD .... totally fucking amazing ...

McD thank you for providing the oxygen to fan the fire against yourself. Maybe (as another poster to this Debating Area said) you could keep donating to the anti-McD campaign, I'm sure another $15,000,000 would come in very nicely against you!!!!!!


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