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a theory for a solution

Posted by: Adam Mac Gillean ( SPAINsometimes;USAsometimes ) on January 13, 1998 at 21:13:52:

In Reply to: relative term posted by Bill2 on January 12, 1998 at 15:40:54:

All this you say about getting rid of drug dealers is, I guess, all very nice
in your little "let┤s get rid of what we don┤t know anything about and are scared of" worlds, but in the real world it┤s a bit different.
No matter how hard you try, you just can┤t kill all the drug dealers (or put them all in jail) or pass enough laws (more restrictions, anyone?) to
abolish the existence of drug-related problems.
Now I┤m not just gonna say no, you can┤t do anything about it, give up;
I┤m also going to provide a theory for a solution. This theory didn┤t just pop up in my head just now, this is something elaborated over time by
experts on politics, drugs, etc., but you probably never have heard it this way:
Let┤s legalize ALL drugs. Yes, hard and soft. WHY!?!?! Okay, number one; the reason we have gang wars and basicly all gang-related problems is the fact that drugs are illegal. If drugs were legalized the prices of drugs would go WAY down, and then what reason would gangs have to exist? All their money would go down the drain.
Reason number two: if drugs were legal it would be SO much esiear to
inform kids about them properly than in a society where they are demonized and almost impossible to talk about. For example, ask any
parent today about drugs and they┤ll tell you that they┤re bad for you,
but they can┤t tell you exactly what they do because they don┤t know.
Most people lump all "drugs" into one evil pile, hard and soft as the very same thing. Most people still think that smoking marijuana kills brain cells (that theory was disproved mid-eighties and is still being disproved frequently in tests, but having it illegal makes some people very rich, so guess which theory gets passed around the most???) !
The effects of hard drugs (crack, heroin...) is VERY obvious, but since no one will explain to people what exactly happens, it┤s a very enticing thing for many young people trying to fit in.
PLEASE, don┤t make the same mistake so many people have, investigate, find out for yourself everything you can about drugs.

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