- McDonald's -

Happy Meals and toys cover up for what is inside

Posted by: Dan ( usa ) on November 16, 1997 at 12:13:53:

In Reply to: Re: MCDONALDS RULES posted by Animals rule! on April 08, 1997 at 15:59:46:

Why do you love McDonalds so? Could it be because ever since we have been young McDonalds has made teh association of funn with McDonalds. Happy Meals and toys cover up for what is inside. IF people can be convinced that war is full of honor and glory .
Than why is so hard to beleive that McDonalds can convince you that there food is good? Did you ever think of this, if we were meant to eat meat
then why do all primates exist on a primarliy vegatarian diet. Did you know that the
orginal Ronald McDonald is now a vegatarian. Did you ever wonder why Mcdonalds is so insistant on sueing all and everyone who dares critizie their food.
Are they worried about someone actually find something out. Will i get sued if i tell my friend that Mcdonalds food is horrible for him. I hope not cuase i was just trying to save his LIFE


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