- McDonald's -

Canadian education looking poorly

Posted by: Mike Sprout ( Canada ) on October 06, 1997 at 23:23:26:

In Reply to: we drop food on the floor posted by Drew on October 06, 1997 at 19:32:49:

: if you do that you are a complete loser. I also work at McDonalds and we don't drop food on the floor, well I mean if we do we don't feed it tho the consumers. Don't you people have a conscience? How would you like being the person who is eating it????
: And Mcdonalds food is quite healthy it just happens to be a bit greasy

"McDonald's food is quite healthy" you say? Obviously the Canadian educational system is in even worse shape than we thought. Oh wlel, at least McDonalds will have plenty of future employees/

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