- McDonald's -

Not perfect but trying to do our best

Posted by: Debbie ( McDonald's, USA ) on June 07, 1997 at 13:55:14:

In Reply to: Re: Major Advertising Waste posted by Mike Bacon on May 31, 1997 at 11:40:49:

: Way to go, Debbie!! I hope all the McD employees with attitudes who
: posted here (especially Laura below) read your message. Keep up the good
: work!

Thanks Mike. It has been VERY embarassing reading through the responses of people who are supposedly "supporters" of McD's. If this type of response represents support, I wish they would refrain.

Maybe it would help if people understood that the majority of McD restaurants are owned and operated by individuals. People, who basically, are your neighbors, not some faceless, nameless corporation.

There are those individuals out there who seem to only care about themselves and really make it look bad for the rest of us. They DO NOT represent the majority of McD O/O's. The majority of us live in the neighborhoods in which we work and we cannot afford to alienate our customers. We really do try to do a good job and be fair to our customers.

I have been printing off pages from this and other sites to use in our monthly managers meetings. I am also sharing them with our marketing people.

We know we are not perfect, but we are going to try to do our best to do right by our customers.

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