- McDonald's -

the customer isn't always right...

Posted by: J on July 31, 1997 at 10:38:10:

In Reply to: Mmm, mmm, mmm!!! posted by Mike Bacon on July 28, 1997 at 00:35:31:

: Another one who refers to half the customers as morons!

If so many employees refer to customers as morons, there's PROBABLY some truth to it, don't you think??

: Perhaps part of the problem at your store is YOUR attitude! Ever think of that?!!!
: Like I said, I don't bitch at a supervisor or the staff often, but when I do,
: it is because I'm fed up with a certain location's performance, and yes I am
: often very much to the point!!! Then, if it continues, I quit going there.

I totally agree with you. If a location can't cut it, let the store manager or supervisor know. But I wouldn't do 1 thing - yelling at the super./staff. If you yell at them, they're just going to think that you're on permenant PMS and they aren't going to take you 100% seriously. Instead, write the store a letter addressed to either the store manager or supervisor. This makes a MUCH greater impact, because you actually took the time to let them know you were disatisfied, and you didn't yell at them through a drivethru window.

: Maybe Texas is different than other parts of the country, but I haven't
: personally witnessed many confrontational customers at restaurants.

Well, most customers don't see any confrontations. You may have 1 or 2 on your shift, and only the people in your dining room or in line at that particular moment will see it. I've seen everything from a customer throwing a bag full of food at someone (because they tried to scam food from us) to a customer swearing at me because we ran out of a particular toy.

: I therefore find your "half the customers" story hard to believe, that is if everyone,
: including YOU, is doing their job properly! But if you have a lot of customers
: confronting you or others, then obviously your location has problems!

: If you want to see your store go out of business, keep up the anti-customer attitude!!!

I AM NOT anti-customer. I wouldn't work at a fast food place if i was, for cryin' out loud. But there ARE a lot of people out there looking for a handout, and McD's seems to be a fav. place to go. I get some of the most stupid requests - a man once wanted a free desert because he had to wait in the DT line for 2 minutes...GIVE ME A BREAK!!

I'm sorry if i gave you an anti-customer impression. "The customer is always right" is just a slogan so that the entire public thinks they're some sort of god. If you've worked in any place that deals with the public on a mass scale, you KNOW that the customer isn't always right...

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