- McDonald's -


Posted by: Leonard Scott ( Dept. Math. , Univ. of Virginia, USA ) on November 14, 1997 at 20:40:07:

There is an old description of mathematicans as
devices for turning coffee into theorems. In my
own case, it has been fairly accurate for close to
30 years, and much of the coffee has been at
MacDonald's. Unfortunately, the MacDonald's part
in that may be nearing an end, as their coffee
has begun to deteriorate. In the past it has
always been excellent, and has attracted me
to come and eat breakfast, and sit and work
afterwards. Or stop by in the evening. But in the
past few months I have gotten coffee at MacDonald's
that was so weak it was very easy to see through
to the sides of the cup. Either something has
gone wrong with quality control, or else someone
is making a grevous mistake in trying to save
money by using less coffee beans. In my case, the
loss in revenue per year will easily approach $1,000.
Multiply that by all the other academics who have
similar feelings, and pretty soon it is signficant.
Too bad, since it is just an error in management.

Leonard Scott

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