- McDonald's -

gosh, your mum must blush to hear you go on like that

Posted by: Helen ( McIndividual, Aust ) on July 22, 1997 at 16:45:14:

In Reply to: What the #%*! is posted by Bitchy Richy on July 10, 1997 at 15:22:48:

: I just want to rant this time about this stupid "cute" nickname
: "Macca's" that some of the people on this board use all the time.
: What the hell is that?? Is this some Aussie thing?; it seems to
: be some kind of down-under nickname. Well, it's McDonald's,
: or at the very least McNasty's, McShit, McMurder, McCancer....
: But not "Macca's" - that sounds so f**king kindergartenesque.

gosh, your mum must blush to hear you go on like that.
"Macca's" is the Australian term for McDonald's. It's used spontaneously by media people, customers, critics even.
Other great Australianisms:
"Garbo" = garbage man or trash collecting person
Relo = a relative
Renos = renovations to your home
Chazza = Charles
Sango = sandwich
Derro = derelict = bum or hobo

But my favourite "Give that the big swerve" = Avoid something
or "Chuck a right at the lights" = turn right at the traffic lights.

I could go on but life's too short to waste on trivia like this.

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