- McDonald's -

The Sauce on Sprout's Soy

Posted by: Quincunx on November 11, 1997 at 10:14:51:

In Reply to: tofu is natural posted by Mike Sprout on November 10, 1997 at 11:55:27:

MS: Why is tofu any more unnatural than an apple? Do you know where soy comes from? Soy beans are one of the most nutritional items available. Perhaps you should visit a library before you post.

Qx: I think Miika is referring to the large scale manufacturing process involved that is and should be open to critical enquiry.This is a very important issue in terms of who controls the world market in soybeans. The genetic manipulation of soybeans is something that not even the most right wing of people should be sneezing at. Somehow you have overlooked the fact that multinationals such as Unilever and Monsanto have been cornering the market on these kinds of commodities and what they are doing with their policies doesn't bode well for the planet. Also, I'm very skeptical about any food product getting hyped such as tofu and I'm not alone. Don't get me wrong. I like tofu and soy milk and I'm not gonna stop liking it just because you and I don't agree on so many things. I just won't hype it when there is already a huge public relations industry marketing the virtues of soybean related food products for me. Maybe that's how the top guns at McDonald's feel also.

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