- McDonald's -

Sorry to disillusion you

Posted by: Gideon Hallett ( n/a, UK ) on October 23, 1997 at 09:38:34:

In Reply to: Get a life... and some intergrity! posted by Justin Poor on October 21, 1997 at 13:04:21:

: Gideon ...all I can say...coz i don't wan to waste my breath agruing with a winger is....GET A LIFE< MATE!

Why is "whinger" the term always used by the ignorant to describe someone saying something they don't want to hear?

As for "getting a life", I consider it ironic, to put it mildly, that a McDonald's manager is telling me to get one...

: You know jack sh** about mcDonald's Austalia's operations. We pride ourselves on being committed to being THE BEST McDonald's operation in the world.

Actually, I've probably read more on McD's operations _worldwide_ than you have. Sorry to disillusion you. In my opinion, the best McD's in the world would be no McD's at all. Hence my remark in my previous post.

: its unfortunate your little brain cannot comprehend that some people/businesses DO have integrity and loyalty to their profession....regardless of size and popularity.

No doubt some of the Nazis felt truly that they were a force for good and racial purity. If my behaviour argues a small brain, how does the behaviour of someone who defends their employers (without even looking at any of the issues under dicussion) come across?

I'll go into more depth later in this reply, but suffice to say that personal attacks can't cover up the fact that your arguments are unsubstantiated and flimsy, to say the least.

: Each individual restaurant works hard ...as i do each day to make MY customers happy. i have regular customers ..I know their names and we always catch up. THEY know we care...and they love coming back for our breakfasts....fee coffees and a relaxing environment. If they are happy it makes my day just a little bit more enjoyable.

I'm not pretending to be any more of a person than you, but this is _your_personal_experience_. To try and apply it to "Each individual restaurant..." is an unsustainable claim. Since you don't happen to know what goes in the next street, let alone the next town, how can you justify that claim?

(I'm not saying your customers are unhappy. I'm saying that your corporate business practices are greedy, unhealthy and wasteful and lead to an unhealthy diet and cruelty to animals. You can find evidence on this site - evidence that stood up in a court of law).

: All I can suggest to you Gideon..on your self-righteous crusade is....spend some time at the GRASSROOTS level..see where the REAL action lies.

As distinct from Court 35, where McDonald's tried to suppress freedom of speech with every tool at their disposal, merely because they didn't like what London Greenpeace were saying about them?

(The McLibel Support Campaign has huge amounts of "grassroots" level information on McDonald's throughout the world. A lot of the "real action" has produced some decidedly unpleasant truths about multinationals and Western diet.)

: Better still buy a ticket to Austalia and see where it REALLY WORKS....with INTEGRITY.

It's amazing that someone can say that something works after trying it out for an insignificant length of time. McD's has been in operation for less than half a century, and already something is rotten in the state of Ronald.

Now that we've gone through your foam and drivel, we'll deconstruct it with reference to my previous message. To do this, I'll re-raise the major points I addressed to you in my article to answer (If you remember, I challenged you to prove me wrong). We will examine your response and see if you addressed any of my points.

Point 1: McDonald's creates a market for its products by advertising.

Your response: nothing.

Point 2: McD's knowingly promotes an unhealthy and imbalanced diet.

Your response: nada.

Point 3: McD's compound the above by pretending their food is good for you.

Your response: zip.

Point 4: McD's puts profits before customers.

Your response: Vague bluster about the people in your store. (plus personal attacks on me.)

Point 5: McD's is cruel to animals on a worldwide scale.

Your response: no comment.

Point 6: McD's is against freedom of speech when it says things they don't like.

Your response: surprisingly enough, no answer.

So, we can see that your post was indeed a waste of breath, in that you contributed virtually nothing to the argument apart from some rather badly-written abuse.

If you feel the need to engage in a battle of wits, please don't do so unarmed. It makes it much easier for your opponent to make you look stupid.


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