- McDonald's -

My sons injury while playing in the McDonalds Play Place

Posted by: Greg ( USA ) on December 31, 1997 at 16:54:24:

My son was injured while playing with his sister in the play
equipment at McDonalds. His injuries have been examined by our
pediatrician, an orthopedic pediatricain and a neuro-pediatrician, of which the neuro-pedi is reviewing an MRI with several doctors in his
own practice. My sons injuries are serious; the supervision that
McDonalds states that I have was lost when my child stepped up into an
opaque tube 10 feet off the ground. The evaluation that is taking
place right now concerns quality of life for him as he grows up....
he is 3 years old.
I am in discussions with several legal analysts regarding my sons condition and potential protracted disability. Are there any other incidents out there like this?? Please reply! Your comments are needed!

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