- McDonald's -

Re: Serious McIllness likely from Dublin McD's

Posted by: Debbie ( USA ) on May 21, 1997 at 03:30:28:

In Reply to: Serious McIllness likely from Dublin McD's posted by e on May 16, 1997 at 12:51:54:

: I have to warn all consumers of McDonalds product in Grafton Street, Dublin that the food is quite liable to create serious Mcillness due to the irresponsible and uncaring attitude of the staff from crew members to managers. Here are just a few of the recent examples of practice.

: 1. Frozen meat which has fallen on an unmopped, fithy floor has been used, with the excuse that since it was not cooked, it was alright to use.

: 2. Cooked meat has fallen on the same floor and has been placed back on the grill, with claims that the heat would get rid of the germs and anti-bodies.

: 3. Toasted buns have fallen on the floor and have been used.

: 4. The cabinet in which empty drink containers are held, are at the moment contaminated with battery acid. The managers are aware of this but do nothing.

: 5. Chicken is being cooked and sold without being probed. This is highly dangerous and can lead to the spread of salmonella.

: 6. Under the pie/fillet station there is an infestation of ants. Recently the chicken station was also contaminated by insects. In the lobbies there is a wasps nest. Management is aware of this but refuse to act.

: 7. One night, just as the store was closing a grill order for a Big Mac came through. Crew in the back area having cleared all produce away, subsequently used produce which had been placed in the bins earlier that night. I was informed that this was a common occurance. When reported to management, the response was that of hilarity.

: You may not care for the enviorment, or the rights of your fellow man, but if you belive the truth I am telling you, you will have realised that we are all victims to the evil corporate giant.
: I urge you good people to stand up to this poisoned oppressor, reclaim your children, and show you care for this planet. i beg for you to join me in my crusade to remove this demon. Boycott Mcd's, warn your friends, refuse to be coerced by financial waivers. No job is worth the price of your soul.

: Capatalism must die.


It would probably serve everyone better if you instead of calling for revolution, you would call the local health department. If the store management can't or won't respond in the proper fashion, use your head and go over theirs.

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