- McDonald's -

Re: Hey, don't take it personally

Posted by: Julia ( mother, usa ) on June 09, 1997 at 20:45:32:

In Reply to: Hey, don't take it personally posted by Joe Beranek on June 08, 1997 at 22:12:25:

> Anyway, don't take it personally. Perhaps you are right and McDonalds has an
> inherently unsafe design in their playgrounds. Think of what a great hero you
> could be to the parents of the world if you took this issue to McDonalds in a
> positive and helpful manner (and in writing).

Joe, I didn't take it personally. Neither do I seek hero status, if there is a problem, let's discover it and solve it. Should they remove the playgrounds? NO! They are fun for the kids, however should a 12 year old be allowed to play along side toodlers who are still a bit unsure of themselves walking, much less unable to manuever around a rowdy 12 year old? Should the matting be similar to that of a gymnastics facility so that when a child falls, regardless of how hard, there fall is better cushioned!? YOU tell me? My daughter fell from the very bottom of the slide, TWO kids came down and pushed her off,( Mcdonalds says 1 at a time, but if a parent does't enforce it what good is it? ) she fell perhaps 12-20 inches, if only the mat had more give perhaps she wouldn't have need a pin put in to hold the radial bone which had been broken completely off. the antibular bone might not have fractured too, the muscles, so badly bruised and swelling, might not have required a faciatomy; slicing her open from her wrist to her elbow, to allow the muscles to swell with out squeezing the life from them, and then 3 subsequent surgeries and skin grafting to close that up. Physical therapy, pin removal, possible permanent stunted growth in an arm that proir to the trip to McDonalds, allowed her to play softball, basketball, swim dress her barbie dolls and oh yeah write. see she's right handed and no can't use her hand, at 7 year's of age might always have a gimp arm. Should I just ignore that ther might just be a problem inherent with the design of these places Joe, let a generation of our children look to Bob Dole for leadership of how to overcome the loss of their arms--remember his was wounded fighting for our country, my daughter lost hers to a happy meal!!!

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