- McDonald's -

Re: Love it or leave it

Posted by: Joe Beranek ( Arizona, US ) on June 06, 1997 at 01:00:03:

In Reply to: Re: Love it or leave it posted by Ceri Jones on June 05, 1997 at 10:03:57:

: : Is it that you think the people of the world don't have enough intelligence to make up their own minds about this,

: If the McInformation Network didn't think people had enough intellegence to make up their own mind, this site wouldn't exist. The whole reason it is here is to provide the arguments against supporting McDonalds, because we get billions of dollars worth of advertising telling us why we SHOULD support them all the time. It's crazy how you don't care that these people are rippping you off under your nose, and when someone else is being genuine, you snap at them! So use that intellegence you have, and look at both sides. That's what this site is for.

: : Finally, I would remind you that communism didn't work.

: And capitalism's doing great isn't it! (I was being ironic... I know some people get problems spotting that sometimes)

: Peace,
: Ceri.

When I get "ripped off" is when I go to a restaurant and pay five times more for the food than I would have paid at McD's. I am personally not a big fan of fast food, but McDonald's and other fast food joints give the "common man" (and woman) reasonably good tasting (I agree that it is not nutritious, but neither is regular restaurant fare)food. My whole point is, let people make up their own minds and let their feet do the voting.

With all its faults, one of the great things about capitalism is competition. Because of this, McD's is not doing all that great here in the US as of late, and their franchise owners have, in some cases, given up their franchises. Burger King, Wendy's, et al, appear to be stealing many of McD's former customers away from them.

I agree that capitalism is far from perfect, but it certainly has beaten out communism/socialism. Having lived in Hungary for several years during the cold war era, I personally experienced the failings of that system. It just flat out doesn't work. Maybe there is a better system, but I haven't seen it.

I appreciate your comments.


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